This afternoon and evening, I spent with the family of one of my brothers. We spent some time today playing softball and table games. Later in the evening I read them their bed time Bible stories. In the picture below is one of nieces holding a picture she colored for me.

The younger sister of my above niece gave me this drawing below.

I love spending time with my nieces. They are so precious to me.
Nieces and nephews are absolutely wonderful, especially if you don't have grandkids. I'm sure they love it when you write about them and display their handiwork!
Thanks, ginnie. They do enrich my life tremendously.
I have 2 neices in Michigan and I was just talking to Robi today to decide when we're gonna get up there again to visit them. I wish my family were closer.
The pictures are very sweet. I have two nieces and a nephew but only get to see them for a few weeks every two years so of course they chance so much during the times we're not together.
Hi crystal. It is wonderful when family lives close together. But we make the best with what life presents us.
Thanks, christina. And I'm sure your nieces and nephew change significantly when you only get to see them once every two years. Even with my nieces and nephews living in fairly close vacinity, I still notice from time to time how much they change over the years.
Hi Tim. I agree totally! You know my nephew has really grown up and according to my hum is the happiest baby ever. Its so easy for him to smile and laugh. I wish I could see him grow up.Hmm I guess thats what pictures are for..
Thanks, lynn. It must be tough to live so far from your nephew. Family is precious.
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