The above picture shows the Petersborough Lift Locks. They were quite impressive to see in person.

This farm was part of the beautiful scenery to be seen. One night we anchered at an island out in the middle of a lake.

This was one of the groups I accompanied. In this picture we're sitting on the open air top deck of the houseboat.

This was one of the houseboats we used during those years. For eight to ten guys, it was closeknit quarters but lots of fun.
It looks great, I would love to go houseboating!!!
Wow, that sounds awesome. I bet it must have been a lot of fun. Houseboating for a week in Ontario sounds like an absolute adventure! I love adventures :)
I used to go house-boating with my husband's family before we were married. We'd float around on Shuswap Lake in the interior of British Columbia. Gorgeous place--not much to do but swim and fish and relax.
Ahhh! :)
There were about seven or eight of us along, and that was cramped enough!
wow..that would been a lot of fun!. I'd have loved to do that :). That must have been late 70s/early 80s?. I'm just guessing from the pictures.
san nakji, if you ever get the chance to go houseboating with a group of friends, it is loads of fun.
Hi rubysoho. It was awesome especially if you were in the mood for be laid back and lazy. At nights, we often played a lot of card games. During one trip the river passed by a university campus. You could see a lot of students looking wistfully at us as we passed by.
Hi spider girl. Some of us swam and fished, too. One time, we went so far a side tributary, that we almost grounded our boat. But we saw some tremendously big fish there.
Once in a while we would dock and go into town. We were never unduly unruly on those ventures but at one town we were checked out by a local police person. But I must say he was courteous and respectful. I guess seeing eight to ten non-local guys roaming about raised some questions.
Hi chez. It was lots a fun. And you guessed pretty good for when these trips took place. I think they were in the early eighties. I don't have the exact dates as they aren't on the back of the pictures and I didn't write it down either. But that sounds about right according to my memory. I'm curious what in the pictures made you guess that time span?
Thanks, pilgrim, for stopping by. You're welcome anytime. So you have a farm background, too.
the clothes and hair style :).
What a great time for team-building!
Thanks, chez, for responding to my query. I'd had wondered whether it might have been by clothes and such. But I wouldn't have been able to place it to be specific collection of years like you did.
Thanks, ginnie. It was a great time to get to know one another better and to just enjoy one another.
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