Well, the storm ended early this afternoon but we didn't get much more accumulation since I last posted. In Souderton, we probably got a foot of snow; just a few miles away they may have gotten as much as seventeen inches. But I hear that New York and the New England states are getting hit worse than we did with some places being over two feet of snow and still going. After I dug out this afternoon, I went and visited with one of my brothers and his wife and two year old son. Roads were okay as long as one didn't drive too fast. There and back here, I watched some of the Winter Olympics.
Below is a picture of my car before I dug it out. One might think it was a snow mobile. :)
Wow, I can't believe how different it is over here...I have sweat on my forehead! Your picture sure looks funny.
very very cute pics.
My nephew lives in NYC and yes, they did get more than 2 feet of snow yesterday. Had to cancel church. It actually snowed in Atlanta all day long--slow, lazy flakes--but nothing stuck to the ground. Guess we were sympathizing!
rubysoho, it is good to hear from you again. And you're right, the weather is quite different between there and here; although yesterday I did sweat some digging out my car. :)
Thanks, fahd mirza. Glad you're enjoying the pictures.
Ginnie, thanks for the sympathy. ;) Church was canceled here, too. In fact a good number of schools were either closed today also or opened two hours late.
I'm enjoying the Olympics as well, and I think Michelle Kwan did the right thing to pull out and give that other Hughes girl a chance. Bode Miller & Anton Ohno didn't live up to the hype, so that was a disappointment, but that "Flying Carrot" guy is wayyyy cool! ;-)
Send some of that beautiful snow our way! :o)
I see I had already told you about my nephew in NYC. No, I'm not crazy--just a bit forgetful, I guess :)
crystal, I think Michelle Kwan did the right thing, too. I didn't get the opportunity to watch any of the Olympics last night; I had my one early morning today and had to be at work by three instead of the normal six to seven o'clock. Was last night when you saw the "Flying Carrot" guy?
Hi Trailady. I'm sure some people up here would be more than glad if this snow would have gone your way rather than here. However, I'm not one of them. :) But I wouldn't have minded if you had gotten some along with us.
ginnie, don't worry. I know what it is to be forgetful. Thanks for dropping by.
im glad , I missed that kindda snow this year !:-)
brainsyke, once in a while I love to have this kind of snow. It is extra work but there's something awesome about such a storm.
I live way on theh other side of New York State so we only received a few inches, which melted and blew away yesterday and came back with a few more inches today. I can't wait for Spring!
Hi just-rambling. Well, most of the snow we had is gone now, too, except for some big snow plowed piles. Today, we had flurries; but otherwise no more snow since the big one. Thanks for coming by and, yes, I look forward to Spring also. Temperature-wise, today was probably some of the most wintery weather we had - way too cold.
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