I love creeks especially when the water is so blue as it is here.

Stumps of fallen down trees also fascinate me. There's something artistic about tree stumps even if it is somewhat abstract.

It's getting towards dusk here. But the reflections of the sun and the trees in the creek is awesome. It puts me in a worshipful mood. It reinvigorates me.
I almost got spellbounded by the dusk pic. It really jolted me and then I was numb. Its sheer beauty.
beautiful pictures. We had those temps thursaday and Wed. this friday is moving toward super cold once more. We have another month to go before things start to warm up :-)
I am with you on all accounts. Just beuatiful. I so miss trees over here, their smell and how the wet leaves reflect the light! Just wonderful pictures.
Hi fahd mirza. So I wasn't the only one who is touched by views such as this.
Thanks, brainsyke. Yep, it got colder today and tomorrow is to barely get above freezing. Winter is not yet gone.
Thanks, monika. I think I, too, would really miss trees if there were none around. Iceland must be really cold and have a really short growing season. Nevertheless, I have always thought Iceland would be fun place to visit though I don't know if it will happen.
These are incredible shots, Tim. Oh what a nice walk. I would have gladly gone with you!
Thanks, ginnie. It was a beautiful walk. And I'm sure your company would have been a pleasant addition.
This makes me miss PA! Reminds me of the farm in Gettysburg I used to work on... in the Spring, the creek would swell & we would ride intertubes down it. FUN!
Hi trailady. Innertubing down the creek, that does sound like fun. I use to like to go innertubing on the Delaware River.
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