The picture below brings back several memories for me. This is in one of the stairways down to cellar in my parent's home. As a kid for many years, I used to take my lunch to school in lunch boxes like those on the right of the picture. When I got a little older but was still living at home, I took my lunch to work with me in the black lunch box on the left. And the many milk jugs on the many shelves, my dad used in the fall when he would make gallons upon gallons of apple cider from the apples he grew in his orchard. Fresh, homemade apple cider was a treat. Dad would often sell some; but we, kids, enjoyed it, too.
Homemade apple remnicent of good country living. I had those tin metal lunch boxes too, with like barbie and cartoon characters on them, and some have now become collectibles from what I understand.
That's a great shot. I like the way it confuses you as you try to figure out which way the stairs go!
I reckon cider is some kind of juice. For us Pakistanis its an alien thing.
Some kind of fermented juice?
please explain if possible.
Hi crystal. Fresh apple cider from the apple orchard of one's farm. Nothing better. Yes some of those lunch boxes have become collectibles. Unfortunately, the ones we had, we used and abused so hard that they are no longer with us. So that picture serves a memory link.
Thanks san nakji. I think it's a neat picture, too. ;) Anyway, the stairs underneath those shelves (which you can't see)go down from front to back into the cellar. Above the shelves is actually a stairway going up (from back to front) from the first floor to the second floor.
Hi fahd mirza. I imagine it would be an alien thing for Pakistanis. I need to remember to explain things better. Anyway, cider is the juice from strained crushed apples. Some people would make it into a fermented beverage; but we never did. We liked it fresh from the cider press after it had been refrigerated a little while.
fahd mirza, I probably should add that while apple cider is strained to remove the solids left from crushing the apples, it is still a somewhat cloudy, carmel-colored juice. It is not so thoroughly filtered to become a clear juice like the canned apple juice sold in grocery stores.
Hmm interesting photo here.Its nice to remember good times.Can`t say I was ever fond of apple cider,but then again I have never tried it home made.You make it sound delicious and refreshing. Im sure I have visisted your blog before and wated to say how very 'uplifting' the whole atmoshere of your space is. Thanks for making your blog publicly available. :-)
Hi concise10. I appreciate your comments and thoughts. And in my opinion, homemade apple cider is often better than the commercially available cider. You are welcome to my blog anytime you want.
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