Well, I think we have around a foot of snow and it is still coming down. Below are three photos from the apartment complex that I live in. To get the full effect, be sure to click on the pictures. Before long, I will probably be going for a sightseeing walk in the snow.

Snow is good, snow is beautiful. I can take about 3 hours of it on the sky runs. However, after viewing your scenic photos, I am glad to be in Cape Town, South Africa.
We're 20 degrees below normal today, so even Florida is feeling the effects of this system.
The top photo reminds me of The Shining... don't know why!
Hi, windowtomymind. Snow is wonderful though it can be a lot of work. Hope your travels are going well.
fred, the storm system is pretty amazing.
san nakji, is that good or bad or neither? I haven't seen "The Shining."
Um... it's neither. You should see The Shining. It is a quality scary film!
My nephew lives in NYC and got more than 2 feet of snow on Sunday and church was cancelled (he's their youth pastor). My daughter heard that there was 38 FEET of snow in Boulder, CO. Is that even possible???
Anyway, in its context, I LOVE big snow storms. It draws people together and is so beautiful!
Hi Ginnie. Big storms are wonderful many times. It is often the only time I get to meet many of my apartment neighbors as we are shoveling out our cars.
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