When I viewed this bike, there was a sense that this bike carries a story or stories. Does this picture strike up a story in you? Would you care to share that story here? This picture was taken along the East Branch of the Perkiomen Creek in the same section that I hiked and posted about here two days ago. The picture below gives a larger view of the creek in which the bike was found. The pictures are clickable to see a larger view.

I found a 'pre-loved' bike in a rubbish pile when I was a kid. My family was too poor to afford one for me. I took it to my grandad and he fixed it up for me. It was a great moment in my young life.
It always saddens me to see rubbish thrown away like this. It is bad for the environment and the bike could be easily recycled...
The bike and its misadventures sounds like the perfect setting for a story by the likes of Patrick McManus...
The bike photo would be a great photography print enlarged, don't you think? Those pics that evoke memories are always soulful. I don't have my own bike memory other than that my older brother had a bike for his paper route and we all had times of riding it while growing up. In fact, I think once I had to do his route for him when he was sick.
The bike makes me feel very sad in the same way I feel when I see an old abandoned house or barn.
It also makes me sad...
The cherished bike that would set me free, has now fallen. Fallen into the flood waters of life. To end up here, appearing to some as junk to be cast off and out of life. No reruns, no do-overs just more debris like the old and the homeless.
Very sad indeed.
san nakji, I think that is neat how your grandfather fixed up that bike for you when you were a child. As for the bike in the picture, I think it would have sadden me more if the creek showed more signs of litter or junk. But it didn't. And in one sense it was almost inspirational making recall stories I read of mountain bikers who braved anything. Only in this case, it looks like the biker lost.
sage, I've never heard of Patrick McManus before. But I did some googling and I believe you probably are right. :)
ginnie, I think you're right. There was just something that struck a chord when I saw that bike.
Hi, trailady. Thanks for coming by. From the perspective you raise, it is a bit sad.
That's a great perspective and interpretation, paige. I knew the picture could have multiple stories.
You found my Bike!
I thought I left it in the West Branch of the Perkiomen Creek.
It's just like parking my car at a mall... unless there are Animal Signs... I am lost. I thought for sure it was in the Giraffe section.
the word that comes to my mind when i look at the bike picture is .. well toghness and never give up .. in those lines
Hi, ben. That's fascinating! How did your bike get all the way from Minnesota to Pennsylvania. Are you coming to reclaim it? That bike is a little small for you, isn't it? ;)
Hi, nabeel. Toughness and never give up -- good thoughts. That certainly would characterize a hard core mountain bike rider.
I thought of that bike, Tim, when I found out yesterday that this week's theme for
Tuesdays Photos is "Travel." You should enter it. Seriously! Just enter the post as is and you don't even need to do anything else!
Hi, ginnie. I did as you suggested. So now we'll see what comes of it. :)
Good for you, Tim. I do it just for the fun of it. I'm not into all the other photo challenges but I figured I could do at least this one. So glad to see you joined the "circle." I always like to see what the experts choose for the 3 winners because it gives me a feel for what they consider to be "good" photography. I liked YOURS because it definitely tells a story!
Hi, Ginnie. Glad you enjoyed that particular photo.
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