My day began with attending an Easter Breakfast at church sponsored by our church youth as a fundraising effort for their upcoming summer mission project at a camp in one of the New England states. They served us scrambled eggs, toast and dry beef gravy, and hash browns among other things. Delicious!

Every Easter Sunday, we usually have people playing trumpets and/or trumbones. The guy to the left is one of my brothers and the guy to the right is our lead pastor.

Here's another of my brothers from Michigan with our three nieces.

Here are us guys out talking and playing with Dad's dog Sparky.

Here's one of my brothers and his wife and two year old son riding a cart built by another of my brothers.

Here's my brother from Michigan, three nieces, and a nephew enjoying the glider on the front porch.
this is my idea of spending a fun family time! how great your church service seems with horns playing and a fun breakfast fund raiser...love the photos-thanks so much for sharing!
What a nice loving family you have, Happy Easter!!
Oh, that's so lovely!
Good for you!
Hey! He is Risen!
Thanks for the Snap shot of your Easter!
Thanks, cher. It was a fun family time and church was meaningful. Glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks, crystal. I am blessed with great family members from young to old. Hope you had a great Easter, too.
Thanks, tai. Glad you stopped by.
Hi, ben. Yes, Christ is risen indeed. Glad you enjoyed my snapshot of my Easter. Thanks for dropping by.
This IS a great snapshot into your life and family, Tim. I have such fond memories of Easter sunrise services and breakfasts!
Man! How many siblings do you have? And where does your MI brother live?? I'm from Michigan!
My elder son ( Etienne, in english "Stephen" ) uses to play the tuba. "Saxhorn basse si bémol". It sounds like bass trombone.
But there is a but. In France, I mean near Paris, it's difficult to find such a nice way to play together.
It appears you had a blessed Easter. I am thankful. I also had a wonderful celebration. Enjoyed your re-telling of the day. :o)
Glad you had a great day. Spending time with extended family is a blast!
Hi, ginnie. I have six brothers and one sister - a great family. My brother from Michigan lives in Grand Rapids. Glad the post brings backs some good memories for you.
Hi, Lucie Marguerite. Thanks for sharing that bit. It's always good to learn a little more about who the people are that visit my blog.
Thanks, trailady. I did have a blessed Easter. Glad you did, too.
Hi, kristi. I count myself blessed for the time I can spend with extended family. Hope you had an excellent Easter.
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