Yesterday, I was sorting through some things from one of my uncles. Among the items, I found this postcard picturing a scene from the city of Allentown, Pennsylvania. I think it is from the early 1900s. In some sense, it touched me awakening a romanticized view of an earlier period of history.
Is that the Billy Joel Allentown? I would love to time travel and see my hometown 150 years ago. It would have been a wild place!
I find such photographs intriguing as they show the city in transiton as the horses are giving away to new forms of transportation--which is both hopeful and sad
What a great find! It looks like the picture I'm looking at right now in my History book. I'm still studying for those finals! Wish me luck.
I'm not so old, but I've known bins horse carts. Thanks for helping me to remember my childhood.
I'm confused as to what your site is about? Is it just postings of your photography? Or have you just had a span of posting photography you enjoy? I love photography. Can't say I love the dandelion that much, the tulip is my fave, but those are cool pictures.
Love old postcards!
Hello, Tim, I think you should post a current picture of this city too, just to we make a small comparation between them both, I want to see how is it nowadays.
Hi, san nakji. Yes, I do believe it is the Billy Joel Allentown. Wouldn't it be fun to time travel that way. Sometimes we can do that with our imagination or through other people's imaginations. I've listen to some radio stories in times past that did a good job of taking me back into the past.
Hi, sage. A lot of transitions are that way - both hopeful and sad.
Thanks, rubysoho, for coming by while you're so busy. I do wish you well in your finals.
Thanks, cergie. I'm always glad to be of help that way when I can.
Hi, sofyst. Sorry I've confused you as to what my blog is about. It is mostly my day to day ramblings on my love of nature, my involvements with my church, and times spent with family. Other than that, it is not intended to have a centralized theme. Mostly, it is just a sharing of myself and my interests. And with photography being one of my hobbies, it is a major way that I express myself.
Hi, tai. Old postcards are a great way of capturing a glimpse of the past.
Hi, aluadacbs. That would be an interesting comparison posting a current picture of the same location. Hope you are well.
nice always feel good knowing how people live in past.
Thanks, asma. I find it fascinating, too, to learn how people lived in the past.
I love old photos such as these... I am a romantic at heart and love the "olden days" with men in suits and women in fancy dresses, and horse drawn carraiges.
Hi, andrea. The olden days can be so romantic from this distance. But at the time, they were as hard or harder than now most times.
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