The weather was warm in the sixties. I had to get out. So I went to nearby Pennypacker Mills near Schwenksville, Pennsylvania for some hiking. Among other things, I was touched with the simple beauty of the tall brown grass in some of the outlying fields there. Enjoy. I plan to share other pictures from there in other posts.

We had 60 degree weather here in Chicago too, and I wanted so badly to get out and about but there are no nature trails near me. Those are beautiful fields of gold, looks very hearty!
I'm reminded of the fields I once saw on a drive from San Jose,CA towards Napa valley!. The brown grass was so pleasing to the eyes. Before that I had only seen it in the movies. thanks for bringing back those wonderful memories driving in CA!
I LOVE the wind blowing through grass like this. Yes, a beauty to behold.
Thanks, crystal. I would miss not being able to get out in nature. I am blessed with many small and medium size parks and country areas near me.
Hi, chez. Glad I could help bring back pleasant memories. Such grass is pleasing to the eye.
Thanks, ginnie. This grass reminds of me of something to the extent of the Biblical statement of how much more beautiful the grass of the field is than was the beauty of Solomon's grandeur.
This is lovely! Reminds me of the many times I walked the fields on the farm in Gettysburg. :o) Brings back memories...
Thanks, trailady. Hopefully, my site doesn't make you too homesick for those days of yore.
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