Back in 2001, I was doing a traveling New England vacation. During one of those vacation days, I drove past this resort and had to take a photograph. It would have been nice to see the interior of the resort; but my agenda for the day did not allow for that even if that would have been possible. I did not write down what state this was in; but I think it might have been New Hampshire. To more fully see the glory of this resort, click on it for a larger picture.
It looks like something the Koreans would build! Are you sure you hadn't driven through the Pacific Ocean by mistake?
hmmm...i wonder what it looks like inside too...
Tim, I'm quite sure this is in NH because both Donica and I recognize it from when we were there a few years back. We didn't go in either but saw it from a distance, just as you have photographed it. Small world.
Funny, san nakji. ;) I have no idea who built it but I like the architecture. Can you imagine what it must have cost to built such a place?
Hi, lynn. Hmmm, we are a curious bunch, aren't we?
Hi ginnie. I bet for many of us that we have more of these kinds of connections than we could imagine.
Now that is a place where I wouldn´t mind checking myself into for a week or two and have people massaging me all day! Then I+d take a walk and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. Lovely picture!
It reminds me of the hotel in Stephen Kings "The Shining". Thus, even on a sunny day from a distance it looks scary.
Actually, it looks like something a railroad would have built--there were many such grand hotels built in the 19th and early 20th century.
Came by your blog by looking at my sitemeter and someone had "googled" Power Chicken and San Pedro Sula and found we both had written about eating in a Power Chicken in that city... Interesting post on your work in Honduras. If you go back in my archives to November 2005, you'll find some of my thoughts on that unique country. Blessings.
Hey, thanks, monika. It does look like a place where one would be pampered, doesn't it?
Hi, zanne. I never saw Stephen King's "The Shining." Therefore, I don't have the association. But that is an interesting observation.
Thanks, sage. I'm not sure but I'm thinking it may not have been too far away from the Mt. Washtington gage railroad in the White Mountains.
And it's fascinating how you found my blog. Thanks for telling me that. And I will be checking out your blog, too. nice!. I wish I get to stay there for a day. Meanwhile, I've made this my desktop wallpaper :). Thank you!
Thanks, chez. It does look like it would be a fascinating place to stay maybe until one might learn the price. Glad you enjoyed the picture so much to make it your desktop wallpaper.
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