Yesterday after work I went for walk on the Banbury Mopac Trail in Franconia Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylanvia. It was a beautiful sunshiny day in the upper fifties. Spring is just beginning to show itself there with some wildflowers such as pictured below. Birds were plentiful, too, and singing. And so was I in my heart. :) I believe the wildflowers in the first two pictures are yellow violets and the last picture a flower called a bluebell.

What beautiful pictures of Spring.
And the ruins. I can barely find words to express how much I'm enjoying the world tour.
Thank you for visiting today and for the lovely words. I only my young Dragon can feel the love in his quilt as you can feel in your quilts.
Best regards.
Beautiful pictures Tim. I'm glad you're singing in your heart. Soon I will too, when the sun comes out. For now I have to be patient, and wait for the rain to stop. Take care of yourself. Thanks for the vicarious trip :)
I love the colours in your nature shots.
Here in Michigan we have different names for those. Maybe simular plants I'm not sure.
The yellow one is buttercups and the blue one sweet williams.
I only have green poking through the ground so far.
I am so jeallous. It is still frost degrees here and spring a long way off, but I am glad I could at leats see pictures of spring somewhere else!
here, a bit further up north, I've just noticed the first flowers poking up through the mulch
Thanks, Darilyn. Spring is a wonderful time of year with all the new flowers showing forth. I'm glad you enjoy the pictures of the Mayan Ruins in Belize and Honduras. And I bet your young Dragon will feel the love that you are putting into his quilt.
Thanks, rubysoho. I hope you see the sun soon, too. We actually could use a bit of rain about now.
Thanks, consise10. Colors are wonderful things, aren't they? They make our experience of the world so much fuller.
Hi, daybyday4-2day. Interesting that we might have different names for these plants. As for what we call buttercups, they come later on in the summer. The wildflowers are only beginning here. Some slightly colder spots nearby don't have blooming wildflowers yet either. Thanks for coming by.
minka, I'm sorry that spring is still a ways off for you. Hope I don't make you pine too much. :)
Hi, sage. Even around here wildflowers aren't blooming just everywhere yet. But they'll be soon coming. It's suppose to be in the 60s all week this week.
I love the Spring ground flowers that sprout up as though needing no attention whatsoever. Our back yard is full of purple flowers and I have no idea what they are. Maybe I'll have to do a post of them :)
Ah spring... how far way it seems. Especially after getting hit by the remnants of a tropical cyclone in the weekend! Good luck for the weather to come Tim!
Hi, ginnie. Yes! Spring ground flowers that just pop up are so wonderful. And do do a post on your backyard purple flowers.
Hi, san nakji. Hope the remnants of the tropical cyclone didn't hit you too hard. I also guess spring is a distance away from you; but you can celebrate spring when fall arrives for me. And thanks for your best wishes for the weather to come.
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