Saturday morning, I attended a seminar at Souderton Mennonite Church in Souderton, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Across the street from the church this one tree above caught my attention. The picture doesn't really do it justice; but this tree was almost totally covered by a flowering vine. It was awe inspiring. [I originally referred to the vine as a lilac vine; but I may have been wrong. It might be a wisteria.]

This picture shows some of my church's primary Sunday School youth working at making small gift baskets for Mother's Day. I was down there with them since I teach the sixth grade Sunday School class. As always, click on the pictures for a better view.
hello friend,
i m saurabh, was just wandering on the different blogs and got to see yours, it looks cool, its like a daily diary and i do the same on my blog, i put what i feel and what aall i went thru in a day, i really liked your blog, if u use any messengers by any chance then add me i would love to be you friend .. i m dhallsaurabh@yahoo.com and dhallsaurabh@hotmail.com and i write blogs on msn spaces, it is http://spaces.msn.com/punjabiblood
regards from india...
How beautiful is that climbing Lilac and I'll bet it smelled de-vine. Get it?? :o)
I had a lilac that got so big it also covered a very large maple tree...it was gorgeous.
The youngsters look very busy making those Mother's Day baskets, and I'm sure they are enjoying it too.
I may do a mistake but I think the violet tree is, in French " arbre de Judée" ( family of "Cercis" ). We have plenty of them in France, Flowers come before leaves and it's quite difficult to photography them flowering. Your photo is rather neat.
Great pics.
What kind of camera do you use? My dad is an amateur photographer. He's always sworn by Canon, but my uncle (his brother) was a Nikon man.
I love the tree. I've had it pointed out to me that I tend to use "tree" imagery in my songs quite a bit.
Is your church one of the Mennonites that does the 1000 Villages? They are neat markets!
Like my eye (and camera), you see such beautiful flowers. Nature is such wonderful food for the spirit. Enjoy!
Looks like you and the kiddos had lots of fun...
OH my gosh, that tree is stunning! I have never seen anything like that. Really beautiful!
That tree is wonderful! (Boring comment I know...)
Tim, The pictures on this site are great. I love the blooms on the tree - isn't it amazing how the vine can vertically grow and attach itself to the tree until the tree itself actually looks like it is a purple bloom? It's beautiful.
Hi saurabh. Glad you like my blog. Hope to see here some more.
Thanks, trailady. The climbing lilac was just simply awesome.
Hi, abandoned in pasadena. Your lilac sounds very impressive, too. And, yes, I think the kids had fun making the Mother's Day baskets.
Thanks, cergie. I'm glad you like the photo.
Thanks, bobbie. I took these pictures with a Canon Powershot A80 camera though I also have a Canon digital SLR camera. And I'm sure one can find plenty of meaning in tree image when writing songs or poems.
Hi, sage. Yes my denomination operates the Ten Thousand Villages stores. My local church also holds a special three day Ten Thousand Villages international gift fair each fall.
Thanks, katie. Nature does have a way of feeding and restoring one's spirit.
Thanks, lorie, for coming by. And,yes, I and the kids had lots of fun.
Thanks, andrea. I'm glad you found it awesome, too.
Hi, san nakji. It's okay; sometimes it's hard to find words to say otherwise.
Hi, jes. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures and in particular the tree with the climbing lilac. It is amazing.
Beautiful pictures Tim.
Could you smell the lilacs?
That lilac tree in the first photo reminds me of our wisteria here in the south. So beautiful!
Thanks, darilyn. Glad you like the pictures.
Hi, ginnie. Sometimes one runs out of words to express the fullness of the beauty.
That looks absolutely beautiful, that tree!
Thanks, penny. I thought that tree was outstanding, too. :)
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