Since Saturday, I did a little research on this place. It is called Peace Valley Lavender Farm and is located on New Galena Road next to Peace Valley Park. The rows of plants located in front of the barn are lavender plants. From their site, I learned that lavender has multiple uses including but not limited to bath and body care, culinary uses, and decorative purposes. I'm hoping that I drive by there again when the lavender is blooming and before it is harvested.
It really looks wonderful. You should try the watercolour feature in Photoshop, it would look great!
I am allergic to Lavender.... :o(
Nature provides us with such a divine canvas.I love lavender.When I was pregnant the first time a friend gave me a packetof lavender lollies.I tell you, I was hooked through the entire gestation!
Wow, that is a beautiful barn. You should try drawing a water color painting of it when the lavender is at its brightest :)...or not of course.
Great subject ! I do love lavender. Wonderful small or big nuts, smelling so good... I cut the flowers before too old, and put them when dry in small pretty cloth-bags, and then inside my household linen. For cooking, I use to brew them in milk to perfume delicious creams.
Interesting that you have a photo of a barn, Tim, because I'm getting ready to post one myself--one that's being torn down, sad to say.
BTW, lavender also has a calming effect and its oil of essence is often used to calm Alzheimer's patients when they start their "sun-downing" time of the day (late afternoon), becoming agitated. It actually helps! They say if you smell it or put a dab of the oil on you before sleeping at night, it'll help calm you so you can go to sleep. Lots of good uses!
Oh I love lavender! We have a few bushes and I save the flowers every year to dry and make sachets with. My kids also like a bit of lavender oil on their pillows at night to help them sleep.
And what a beautiful barn photo. The colours are gorgeous.
I enjoy the smell of lavendar. Like ginnie said, it does have a calming effect, although I'm not an Alzheimer's patient just yet!
Oh, that would be a beautiful painting!
Just to tell you buddy that I am back.
I've been using lavender shampoo lately and I just love the scent. I can only imagine how beautiful a field of lavender would be.
Thanks for sharing the great photo.
The purple awnings just sets this barn apart. So lovely.
Thanks, san nakji. Maybe, I'll have to try the watercolour tool. And, oh, hopefully you're not allergic to lavender over the Internet. ;)
Hi, consise10. Good to have you back. And I'm finding that a lot of people have their favorite usages for lavender.
Thanks, rubysoho. I like your your suggestion.... or not of course? ;)
Thanks, cergie. It sounds like I hit a chord with this topic. :)
Thanks, ginnie. And I'll have to get over to check your site. It usually is sad when an old barn needs to be torn down.
Hi, christina. Before I wrote this post, I never knew that there were so many enthusiasts for lavender. Actually, I hardly knew that lavender exists before this.
Hi, kristi. Thanks for making time to come by. And let's hope you don't need it for Alzheimer yet or ever. :)
Thanks, tai, for the thought.
Hi, fahd mirza! I'm thrilled that you are back. I look forward to hearing more from you here and on your blog. I missed you though I realize that there was nothing you could do.
Thanks, darilyn. It's amazing how many uses there are for lavender.
Thanks, andrea. I think you are right about the purple awnings on the barn.
I would LOVE to visit a lavendar farm.. I have lavendar bundles in every room in my home.
Hi, cindy. Thanks for coming by. Before this post, I never knew that lavender was so popular.
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