This is a view of the three room school building in Colonia El Buen Pastor in Santa Rita Yoro, Honduras where my MAMA Project Team held a medical clinic. The second photo is a lightened up version of the first photo better enabling one to see the school building structure. You click on the pictures to see a larger version of each. Beautiful scenery. You can also see just a little bit of the road going by it in the bottom right corner.
Modern Technology
7 hours ago
It looks like a quite modern and nice building. We didn't see anything like this when were in a certain region in Guatemala. The Hondurans seem to be a little better off.
I am looking forward to hearing about the work that was performed in the clinic setting. Did you have a team of physicians, nurses and dentists?
Tim, it's been great reading about this trip and I think Volunteer Vacations are the way to go, you really get into the culture and that's often a better experience than staying packed away with all the other tourists. I'm impressed that you embarked on this mission, and the photos are all really lovely!
Good for you; helping children in a third world country. I seem to be taking adults out in third world countries. Godspeed.
Hi Zanne. Yes, this was quite a nice building. But some of the communities weren't quite as well off as this one. In one village, we set up the clinic in a person's home. I don't think that village had either a school or a church.
In another village, the local people felt it was too dangerous for us to set up a clinic there so they had the people from that village walk twenty minutes to another community to receive medical attention. We drove by that village and most of their houses were rundown shacks that we wouldn't even think of using as storage sheds.
There's a wide range of poverty and wealth in Honduras. And sometimes, the destitute are living in shacks on one side of the road while on the other side there is a walled-in community of well-kept mansions.
Our particular team had one doctor and two nurses. The main role of our medical team was for consultation, diagnosis, and prescribing medication for "simple" ailments including infected skin rashes. In one case, our doctor did diagnose a serious, life-threatening diabetic problem and we provided them with transportation to a hospital.
They also sought to identify children with serious malnutrition problems. These children and their mothers are then recommended to take advantage of a month-long program provided by MAMA to bring their children back to nutritional health and to train the mother how to provide meals with adequate nutrition for their children.
But the part of the work that I personally was involved with was in the giving out of deworming medication and vitamins mostly to children but also to some adults. My role was also to build connections with the children spending time playing with them. A number of them thanked me for spending time with them and when it was time for us to leave, we often we received many hugs from a number of the children.
Thanks, crystal. I'm glad you have enjoyed reading about this volunteer vacation. As I also wrote to someone else, this week rates among the top weeks of my life. And it does give one a glimpse of a culture that one would never catch otherwise.
Thanks, windowtomymind, for stopping by and for your blessing. May you be blessed also.
I love the pictures. While i was looking the picture My filling was like I been in that place before.The place look so peacefull. Nice job. I would like to see more pictures at yuor future trip. please
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