Saturday, May 03, 2008

Island Beach State Park, Part 2

Sights along the Trail at Island Beach State Park, New Jersey

My wonderful wife :)


Fred said...

Spectacular. And, it's great to meet your wife!

Cergie said...

California is wonderful !
We were in the Yosemite Mountains for instance. Wonderful landscapes. And people were so kind with us, smilling and so on. It was a fine vacation, we saw so differents plants, trees, flowers (snow flower, manzanita, pacific dogwood...)

(Everywhere in the world the light house havr e the same colour happily. Red or Green, so they are understoo by all the sailors without any problem.)

I wish a good week-end to your wife and you, Tim.

Tim Rice said...

Thanks, fred. Glad you enjoyed these photos.

Thanks, cergie. I'm glad you enjoyed your California trip. Thanks for dropping by my blog, too. :)