Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Selected scenes from Thanksgiving Day with my wife's family

Thanksgiving Day my wife and I spent with her family in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. After the meal some of us went for a walk to a nearby playground and small park. All except the last picture were taken there. It was a great way to spend the afternoon after having a delicious and sumptuous meal.

My wife's oldest nephew with almost unending energy

Framed :)

My wife and I at the playground

My wife and her oldest nephew

Enjoying the view

My wife, youngest brother, and oldest nephew

My wife's youngest nephew


Ginnie Hart said...

So now we get to see HER side of the family! How fun, Tim. :)

Cergie said...

It was a long time ago already : the trees were still beautifully red or yellow
I find wonderful that your wife and you have both a large family. You are accustomed of that fact and now you are richer of love....

Tim Rice said...

Thanks, ginnie. And being with her family which is now also my family is fun! :)

Thanks, cergie. You are right; I am richer of love through these families.