Monday, August 04, 2008

A Hike at Swamp Creek Park, Part 2

Below are some more photos from a hike I took about three weeks ago at Swamp Creek Park in New Hanover Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

A view of Swamp Creek
Notice the orange lilies on the creek banks

Butterflies enjoying the damp ground

The wide open meadows

A beautiful purple wildflower

As shown in this photo and the next two photos,
the park has an area for flying model airplanes.


Cergie said...

You enjoyed this hike, you had your eyes up and down, to the insects and flowers, to the flow, the trees and sky, to the plane ; you are a happy man, Tim, and you know that...

Fred said...

At first, they looked like a real airplane to me. The pictures do them justice.

You sure hike a lot!

... Paige said...

What wonderful photos.

sage said...

these were some nice photos, Swamp Creek sounds like an interesting place--I grew up calling those orangel lilies "Carolina Lilies" but maybe that's just because of where I came from.

choochoo said...

oh, what a pretty flower:D

I used to pick those when I was a kid and put them in vases all over the house. Unfortunately, they were always full of all kinds of bugs...

Ginnie Hart said...

The first thing I thought of, Tim, was the lazy days of summer!

Tim Rice said...

Thanks, cergie. I do live a good life.

Thanks, fred. I do enjoy hiking. Can't do enough of it! :)

Thanks, paige. I enjoy nature photography very much.

Thanks, sage. This was the first time I was along Swamp Creek. But I found much beauty there.

Thanks, choochoo. And, yes, unfortunately some of these wildflowers do attract bugs.

Thanks, ginnie. It does communicate something of the feeling of the lazy days of summer.