Sunday, March 16, 2008

Signs of Spring

Saturday afternoon, my wife and I went for walk in Lenape Park near Perkasie, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. It was a beautifully warm, mostly sunny afternoon. These were a few of the sights we saw.

Daffadils soon to be blooming
Spring is coming! :) :) :)

A pretty yellow wildflower

Crocuses blooming along the East Branch of the Perkiomen Creek

A Mallard duck swimming in the East Branch of the Perkiomen Creek

A goose sunning itself :)


... Paige said...

Spring is coming for y'all and summer is almost here for us.
We broke at record high last Friday.
I love daffi-dills :-)

sage said...

beautiful Tim, it's snowing here on Good Friday.

Sam!! said...

Beautiful pics!!

Thanks for sharing Tim:)

Take care

Tim Rice said...

Thanks, paige. Daffadils are beautiful!

Thanks, sage. It's been chilly here, too, with an especially cold wind.

Thanks samrina. Glad you enjoyed the pics.

Cergie said...

In spring we have daffodils and crocuses blossoming in wild nature too, however the goose seems quite TOO fat. It seems yummy ! Did you try to catch it ?
It wears its feather exactly like a swan, it's very pretty

Tim Rice said...

Thanks, cergie. The goose is quite well fed in the park. :) But I don't want to eat it; it's too pretty there in the park.