Our church relates to a sister church in Viña del Mar named Tabernacle of Christ. My wife and I went to continue building relationships with the people of that church. For two days, we assisted with a summer Bible school near Frutillar. Much of the rest of the time was spent with people from the Tabernacle of Christ church visiting in their homes over meals, attending a couple church services, and also seeing some of the local sites of interest. As we were leaving, my wife was told that our visit was much too short.
At times communication was a challenge. Yet between the English that many of them know, the limited Spanish that my wife and I know, the use of our hands, and the help of a Spanish/English English/Spanish dictionary, we were able to have much meaningful conversation. The members of the Tabernacle of Christ Church also knew how to make us feel like family. And two families down there told us that anytime we come back their home would be our home. These people live the love of Christ and it shows in everything they do. They truly are my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Below are an initial sampling of more pictures to come from our time in Chile. Following posts will show more pictures from the Summer Bible School, other church meetings, a fish market in Valparaíso, and some nature pictures from along coastal regions and in the mountains.