Tuesday, October 09, 2007

An Interlude of Creative Effects


Minka said...

Tim...I just love the single tree picture.

It looks like it is snowing. beautiful!

Ginnie Hart said...

There he goes again! I love your experimentation, Tim. :)

photowannabe said...

Great imaginative shots Tim. I like how you take common things an experiment with them.

Tim Rice said...

Thanks, minka. I had fun with this photo and the others, too. ;)

Thanks, ginnie. Experimentation is a part of who I am. However, most people like the real vs. the imaginative work.

Thanks, photowannabe. I enjoy using my imagination to play around with photos.

Cergie said...

One of the picture (having two moons) was taken on an else earth
One, you did it by embroidering
Another one by cooking jelly
One is a snow crystal
The last one is a card telling "happpy new year"...

Is it not too early to send such a card ?